
Monday, December 13, 2010

A letter to Roy Hodgson

Dear Mr Hodgson, we the Livepool fans ask if you would please quit your post as the Liverpool Manager. If you would retire all together it would be even better for the game of football. You should kick back and relax on an island somewhere because you are old and have no passion for the game anymore. What was the Liverpool board(at that time) thinking of when they hired you as successor to Rafa Benitez? who knows. Here's what I think went down, they just sacked Rafa,and Rick Parry turned to Tom Hicks n George Gillet and said, "All right, that's done,what now?" Tom Hick came out with a suggestion "how about we put random names into a hat and pull one out, whoever's   name is pulled out will be our manager", Rick then says"I haven't heard a more brilliant idea in my life, lets do it, George, go get me a hat".George then says, "yeah I know". After the hat was given to them, they then continued to insert random names into the hat.Names including from the kitchen chef to the groundsmen right up to the club's janitor. Tom Hick then said:"we need to put one real manager in there, just to make up the numbers in the hat. Lets put Fulham's Roy Hodgson in to the mix because he has experience.He managed many clubs across Europe and he even took Fulham to the Europa Cup Final, He mush be the best top class manager and a candidate for the hat, if he is the lucky draw winner, he will surely bring the glory days back at Liverpool, right guys?" . Rick and George than nodded as approval of that idea. The lucky draw was then conducted and the winner was actually Mr.Roy Hodgson.Congratulations!!!

Then the process of bull shitting him into taking the job at Liverpool began with promises of unlimited funds available. With that kind of guaranty, any manager would be a fool to turn it down. Ultimately Hodgson agreed and was handed the job at Liverpool.Everyone at Anfield was excited as the knew with the appointment of Hodgson that the glory day will surely come back, But the fans were not fooled, particularly me, a life long Liverpool fan which saw Roy Evan come and go, which saw Gerard Houllier come, had a heart attack and then au revoir and even saw Rafa Benitez come and vamosed to Inter Milan. When I heard that Roy Hodgon was appointed, I wasn't convinced. He was well short from the type of manager that could change a club that is in turmoil. What happened was that the previous owners of the club knew that someone else will eventually buy the club and they appointed Roy Hodgson as a parting gift to the Liverpool fans so we could endure the misery that Hodgson would bring to the club. Have we progressed since his appointment? certainly not! we are actually going backward..Even though last season was a disaster, at least we made it into Europe. But, with this current playing style and form we would be lucky not to be relegated from the league. I say this with sadness in my heart when I mention Liverpool with relegation. If it does happen, I will be sad but I won't be surprised.

I know saying Liverpool could be relegated is harsh, but considering the way they are playing at the moment, it could happen, any one remember Leeds United? whom were playing in the Champions League semi final back in 2001 and was even challenging for the league title. That was only 9 years ago and where are they now after they went through the same thing that Liverpool are currently going through? they are now playing their trade in the second tier of English football. For Liverpool to be relegated would be a long shot,but it could happen.

It's easy to blame the manager for the players poor form, but its the manager who picks the team, it's the manager who rallies the players, it's the manager who sets tactics for a match and it's the manager who will give the motivational team talk before, during and after a game. Those are the simple things that could win or lose a football match. Football players are not an intelligent bunch of people but they do appreciate a little pat on the back and a little motivational talk to put fire in their bellies for them to have more impetuous to go out and win the game for the fan and especially for you, the Manager.Ian Holloway is an excellent example, a Manager of a club from a small little town by the seaside called Blackpool.How could a small team like that go to Anfield and win? and go to other places and win as well? because they play with passion for the Club, Manager and their fans. Ian Holloway is the type of person who commands respect from the players in the dressing room and all around the club, that is plain to see in his character and his players duly oblige. I don't think Mr Hodgson offers any thing as such because if any of you get chance to see a football match involving Liverpool, when the camera switches to Roy Hodgson, you will not see him walking up and down the touch line barking orders to players when they are not performing. You will not see him giving instructions to the player to change the their tactics when things are not going well. He will just sit on his chair and bite his nails thinking what pie the misses had cooked up at home for him to eat. He shows no passion, no desire, no hunger and no belief for the the Football Club. These sort of thing tend to rub of on the players as I am witnessing with the current crop of players in every match. I give one advise for all the Liverpool Fans out there, here's a stat for you, Roy Hodgson has only won 1 game away from home in 28 attempts. Well, that is just embarrassing really, if you are ever planning to sleep late at night(here in Asia) to watch a Liverpool away match, please think again, You will just waste you time and energy. Kenny Dalglish came out recently and said that we all have to be patient with the manager and give him more time. Well King Kenny, if we do, I think that the Club will be in much more trouble then it already is.

It sad to see my beloved Liverpool being conducted in this way by an old dull  Manager who doesn't have a clue on what he should do and he actually doesn't have a good CV to begin with. If the new owners want to improve things at Anfield, they will have to get rid of Roy Hodgson now. Things will only be worst with him still around. Get in a fresh face that will turn things around in the dressing room. Get someone who will get the players playing again because under Hodgson, It's clear in the players body language that they are not enjoying their football at the moment, full stop.Might I suggest Louis Van Gaal!? Anyone!?


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