
Monday, December 27, 2010

What now for Malaysian Football?

Last Sunday, the Malaysian national team won a match against Indonesia in the Suzuki Cup Final 1st leg. It's a massive feat considering that the Indonesians are considered superior to us. To win itself is a massive achievement but to win 3-0 is impressive. But, one advice to all Malaysian, lets not get carried away. Yes, to be in a cup final and to have 1 hand already on the trophy is a proud feeling for any Malaysian, but lets get back to reality and face it people, this Competition is nothing more then a mickey mouse competition compared to others and why does a cup final needs to be a two legged affair is beyond my thinking. Anyway, back to the main topic, by analyzing the performances of the team in this competition it shows that our football has progressed and our future looks bright. If we do eventually win the competition and I hope we do, we can use it as a steeping stone to further develop our football. What impresses me the most not the fact that Malaysia are in the final of a competition nor that they are close to winning it but actually that the team that has Malaysians talking is that the team itself is made out of youngsters. The average age of the team is 23 to 24 years of age. Praises must go out to the manager Raja Gobal and his coaches for developing a young team that is well disciplined mentally, physically, tactically and also for changing their character from a lazy bunch of buggers to individuals who works hard for the team. That means that something is going right somewhere and please don't let politics get involved in this. It will only make thing worse for ourselves. One thing that I am worried about is that these youngsters might get big headed and think that they are already superstars regardless of what happens. If they do then we will be right back where we started, it has always been that way in Malaysian football, we take one step forward and then two steps back.All the hard work done will go down the drain. As for the Suzuki Cup, one advise to the players, It's not over yet! you still have to go to Indonesia and perform. You guys still have 90 minutes to play and I do hope you give it all the best and make us proud by bringing back the Cup.If you do win, congratulations! Enjoy it while you can but there's a lot more work to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Malaysia..One small step for Malaysia, and One giant step for Malaysian Football.
