
Monday, January 31, 2011


"One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope" 

That's what all Liverpool fans all around the world are saying when it was confirmed that Fernando Torres has signed for Chelsea. When it was first rumored that Chelsea came in with 35m Pounds for him, I thought to myself no way he will ever join Chelsea because of the rivalry between the two sides, but reality came and bit me right in the ass. It is now confirmed that he has joined Chelsea for 50m pounds and has now also confirmed his status at Liverpool as a traitor. "I will never join any other English club, Athletico Madrid was my club in Spain and Liverpool is my club in England", those we his exact words in his autobiography and well guess what Torres? you lied!

We all could accept that you will leave Liverpool someday but to leave for Chelsea is not acceptable in any shape or form. You could of ask Liverpool to let you go to any other big club outside England and we would of thanked you for your great service to the club, we would have put you down as a forever Liverpool legend and would have sang songs of your past glories until we die.But that's all gone now. You have (in our hearts) sank lower then Micheal Owen did, he left Liverpool hanging for Real Madrid and after that his career just went down hill.

Yes I understand that you wanted to win trophies and for any footballer, he wants to be judged by the amount of trophies he has won in his career and not for the money he earns. Again I say this Torres, you could have gone anywhere across Europe but you chose Chelsea, big mistake mate! We would have done anything for you to make sure that you are happy and comfortable but you still couldn't see it and couldn't have waited.  You say that Chelsea has great fans, think again! this was the same shite fans that wanted  Carlo Ancelotti out after some bad results and this was a proven manager with a magnificent CV that won two trophies for them last season. Lets see how they treat you Fernando, they are all smiles to your face when your scoring goals but wait until one or two bad performances and see them stab you in the back. Feels like Deja vu  doesn't it Torres?

We all should have seen this coming, I personally felt something fishy was going on in your head, everybody else said that wait until you gain full fitness and we will start to see the goals flowing again but like everybody else,I was not fooled, I've been studying your body language for a few months. You were not working as hard when you first arrived, you we much more selfish, you were not the the same person that arrived 3 years ago. You sulk when nothing is going your way. You never appreciate your team mates efforts.

Some Liverpool fans would argue that how could Liverpool let him leave for Chelsea? well lets get something straight, the Liverpool hierarchy would have never allowed Torres to leave for a rival club, but because there was a clause in his contract that said that if a bid of 50m pounds is offered, then he would be aloud to speak to the bidding club but to our bad luck, Chelsea actually came in and offered that audacious amount of money. 

Oh yeah! and one more thing my dear Fernando, I hope you choke and die at Chelsea because you will never get the same treatment you got from us at Liverpool.You were never the biggest thing at Liverpool and you will never be. You claimed that you would never play for any other club in England besides Liverpool.Everybody is replaceable, even you.You thought that You were a big fish in a little pond, no way man! You were a small fish surrounded by smaller fish in a big pond my friend. Because no one not even Fernando Torres is bigger then Liverpool. You are replaceable like everybody else. Good luck with life at Chelsea mate, hope you crash and burn.......





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