
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Man United vs Liverpool FA Cup 3rd Round (The Verdict)

Well, this is the verdict in my view from last night's match, first of all I would like to congratulate Man United for winning the match and progressing into the 4th Round of the FA Cup. Now lets get down to business, did Man United deserve to win that match? certainly not. Based on the performance as a whole they did not threaten Liverpool much after they were reduced to ten men and dare I say that if Steven Gerrard was still on the pitch we could have won it, that was how poor man United were last night. Did Liverpool deserved to lose the match? well perhaps, after Steven Gerrard was sent off for a reckless tackle and  he did deserve it to. That was not called for, I know that you are 1-0 down and creating little chances in the match, but as captain of your team, you of all must keep a cool head. If there is aggression building up inside you, you must control it but he didn't and he was sent off and effectively lost the game for us and I applaude the referee for making the right decision, that was the right call. For the 2nd minute penalty decision, that was the most bullshit decisions I have ever seen, it was clear to everyone watching that he went down far to easily. The dive was so perfect that I was already holding my score card to give him a perfect ten. The Bulgarian Olympic team scouts were surely watching the match and saying that they have a talented individual that they could add to their diving team come next year. If the referee's sight was blocked off, why didn't the linemen see the dive that SHITE made? Agger barely touched him and he went down 5 seconds later like someone in the crowd shot him right in the head and then again I wish there was.

Credit must go to WoopaTV for producing this brilliant clip & John Paul Francis for finding it on You Tube.

Anyway, what's done is done and Liverpool have to keep their chin up and take the positive from the match. The first positive that they can take is that the team finally worked their socks off, they closed down the United players when they were high up the pitch and limiting their play.  The second is that I now know that in Kenny Daglish, the players have a manager that knows how to man manage. Which is very important in football and he will get the player playing for him which was evident last night. Believe me, if Roy Hodgson was still in charge for last night's match, it would have been much worse. I would like to thank Roy Hodgson for his contribution to the team (which was little or nothing) but if you're not performing then it's just time to go.

Yes there were positives to take from the match but there also were negatives. The first negative was that we lost the match and are now out of the FA Cup and the second negative is that Steven Gerrard is now banned for three matches and will miss crucial games for us and the third negative is the attitude of Fernando Torres, when everyone else was working their socks of to try and help the team, he just didn't fancy it at all. He played over 70 minutes and and contributed nothing, this type of attitude is not called for. This is where Kenny needs to stamp his authority onto the team, if you're not performing then you are dropped or even shown the door if your attitude is still the same, because no one is bigger then the club. Either shape up or be shifted out.

There is no need to dwell on what might have been, we just need to look to up and look to the coming games and try to win as many as possible because surely Liverpool have to make it into Europe.That's the minimum target and if they don't,then they will lose out in terms of money generated into the club. 

Now is the time Liverpool, pull your socks up and start producing. There are no more excuses, you have a proven manager who has done it in the past and you have passionate fans behind you, cheering you on. Please don't disappoint us.



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